Sophie - @Sophiehilaire

I didn't choose the vanlife... the vanlife chose me.


Summiting Everest in 2019 was a major turning point in my life. I noticed how much better I’d felt and slept while living out in nature, since my body produced so much natural melatonin. I decided I wouldn’t renew my lease in NYC that fall, and did the hotel/Airbnb thing for awhile, since I was still traveling for work as a consultant and staying in hotels during the week anyway.

When the pandemic hit, I still wasn’t sure where I wanted to put down roots. Since I couldn’t make up my mind, I went straight for something easy that I assumed would be short and temporary: a Sprinter van. I named her Sage. It’s been over a year with Sage, and I have no plans of moving out.

Being separated from society has been priceless. I’ve finally had the time and lack of distractions to work on myself. To process the places I’ve been, the things I’ve seen, and the experiences I’ve had. To understand myself and why I’m wired the way I am.

My entire outlook has changed. To some, vanlife appears to be rock bottom. The truth is, I’m flying higher than Everest’s summit. I’ve learned that time in nature, minimalism, and becoming my own best friend makes me enduringly happy. I'd been a chameleon for so long, moving every couple years ever since I was in the Army, and being heavily influenced by my communities. Being anonymous wherever I go with Sage has enabled me to realize who I truly am... and it hasn't felt lonely. I've actually never felt more whole.

In society and in the military, we’re programmed to think and react in certain ways. Some of it has been helpful to me, but some has prevented me from actualizing my true self. Once I realized the armor I’d been wearing throughout my life was just a coping mechanism, I knew it was time to take it off, and finally find levity. That’s the mission I’m on in my second lifetime: doing the inner work... and I never would have even known where to start if it weren't for Sage.


Follow along with Sophie’s adventures.

Produced and published by Jared Melrose @youandiandthesky & @vanlifediaries

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