
I'm writing to share a few shots from last summer in Vermont. I co-own a '72 transporter named Bedalia with one of my best buds Erick. Our old roommates Tyler and Katy spent most of the summer living in or around their '87 Westy, so we decided to reunite the vans for a long weekend driving up through the Green Mountains of Vermont, our home state. Along the way, we hit two of Vermont's most beautiful small alpine lakes, our favorite spot on the Mad River, and Smuggler's Notch, an epic mountain pass between Stowe and Smuggler's Notch ski areas.

This summer we'll definitely be cruising Vermont, and planning at least one trip east to just north of Acadia National Park in Maine. Tyler brought his Westy out to San Francisco for the winter, but eventually we're hoping to circle through the south west for another rendezvous.

Cheers from Vermont.

Happy trails,

Follow Tad on Instagram @thaddeuscooke.