World Record Vanlife Trip: 412 U.S National Parks over 3 Years
Driving Vanny McVanface for the Brits, the Americans, and the Gays
"Dating is basically out of the question," a fellow traveler told me a few months before I was to move into a van and embark on a 3+ year, world record road trip to all 412 U.S. National Park Service sites. Look at the map below to check out the trip!
"There is that boy I started dating a couple weeks ago," I thought. "Maybe he'll move into my van with me."
Four months after meeting my boyfriend, he did exactly that. Joining me as I seek to become the youngest person to experience all 412 U.S. national parks, and the only person to ever do it in one continuous trip.
"You're basically moving-in together!" my friends would exclaim with surprise.
"Not just moving-in together," I'd counter. "We're basically working together too. We don't even have separate jobs to give us alone time. We'll be together 24/7."
While this story might seem common to many VanLifers, as someone who is using my journey to promote LGBT involvement in the national parks, I'm also proud to be one half of the only openly gay #VanLife couple I've seen.
"It's hard to be what you can't see," Children's Defense Fund founder Marian Wright Edelman wrote when talking about equalizing the world for all people.
In my own small way, I hope my journey, and my self-conversion of Vanny McVanface, inspires others who are different--LGBT, racial minorities, and more--to see themselves on whatever road they dream.
Whether that be VanLife, or traveling their own path.
To Read all about the Van conversion, Adventures & more check this out! "Transformation of Vanny McVanface," follow this link.