3 Swedish Girls & a Van trip in Australia
This is the story about us, Jenny, Jennifer & Julia, three Swedish life loving girls who feel way too old to enjoy those hostel beer pongs and shot races we had so much fun at a few years ago.. But way to young to keep that wanderlust away and stop our journeys around the world! Well not only about us of course - Foxy Jodz our beloved van is the heart of this story! Let's take it from the beginning..
You know that feeling when you are totally ready to get home from a long trip and get serious, when you tell everyone including yourself that this was your last trip in a good while. Then that familiar curiosity and fascination for a new place or that longing to go back somewhere slowly starts crawling up on you. Cause that's just who you are I guess, a bit of a lost soul in the society expectations of owning, making a career and settling down, but a part of something else.. Like this opposite society of people who have chosen to own as little as possible, who settles down wherever the day takes them and who are more likely to be rich in experiences then in money. Yeah, well that happened to us this time like so many times before. In this specific case we sped up the process of actually booking a trip by being three girls with close to zero in impulse control and always quite high on our own endorphins, living together on 34 square meters.
Going from pretty broke after studies, travels etc, to completely bankrupt by booking a one way flight ticket to The land down under, we all cried and laugh out of pure happiness. WE ARE GOING TO LIVE IN A VAN FOR AT LEAST A YEAR, IN AUSTRALIA!!
Optimistic as usual we got a few extra jobs each and worked day and night for those two months we had given ourselves to save money. Time flies when you are happy and all of a sudden it was the day before departure and we had managed to gather all of our families at one dinner table. And off we went on the first morning of snowfall this winter in Sweden.
Within the first week in Perth we had found our car, not exactly a beauty on the outside and completely empty on the inside but still bloody perfect. We spent a good couple of days driving around town to pick up craigslist bargains, building and organizing.. So with gathered girl power we had managed to turn this empty shell into a kick ass home and we enjoyed our first night on a driveway in front of a house in Mandurah. And off we went, excited to the limit. First we took a little trip south to Margaret Rivers with some nights spent in Busselton & Dunsborough. Then we started to head north, completely blown away about pretty much everything we could see along the way.. Sunrises& sunsets, kangaroos & emus, dessert, sand dynes, ocean, limestones etc and we stopped wherever we felt like staying the night. Mostly just beautiful spots along the coast or in the dessert or at campsites when we needed a break.
Monkey Mia
Coral Bay
Port Headland
Were the "bigger" places we spent some time in along the West Coast then we decided to cross the country and drive to the East Coast. After driving for about 10 days through emptiness and heat with some serious hate/love for the outback our beloved van Foxy Jodz gave up on us.. Right on the border between Northern Territory and Queensland in the middle of absolutely nowhere. After a big towing mission, a couple of days at the mechanic and a ridiculous amount of budget calculating we had to leave Foxy Jodz in Camooweal and hitchhike out to Townsville. Now we are all working to save money so that we hopefully can afford to go pick her up someday.
We had a lovely time traveling around Western Australia and Northern Territory in our van, this country is amazing in so many ways especially the people and the wildlife. While hitchhiking out to and along the East Coast we got to meet so many helping and beautiful souls so I guess everything happens for a reason.
As soon as we are back on the roads in Foxy Jodz we will update you guys. Thanks for letting us share our story with you!
Swedish love
/ TripleJ on Tour
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Coral Bay
Facebook - Julia Ericsson
Instagram - juliiaericsson
Facebook- Jennifer Bergsman
Instagram- Jnifrb
Facebook - Jenny Silèn
Instagram - jennysilen