

Episode 18: Nathan; Apple employee meets vanlife while following his heart


Who is Nathan. He is not just your average Australian next door. Nathan is incredibly witty and charismatic not to mention hilarious, leaving everyone bursting with laughter. He is also extremely gentle and loving. The way he listens to people's stories you can see he cares deeply about what is being said. He is willing to take the time to connect on a level not many people would be willing to do. Nathan is incredibly humble and has done it all. Diving into film school at a young age creating incredible content, he was also a cook for a number of years and even a professional bmxer. If you can't already tell Nathan is a wild and free spirit that cannot settle for mundane. He is constantly evolving and setting intentions to connect with others while continuing to stay true to himself. He dominates the artistic field by conjuring up incredible beats, creating independent films and is always willing to collaborate with other artists. When you watch Nathan in his creative element it becomes something of pure bliss, the way he closes his eyes and embodies the rhythm and vibration of the music. There is something of pure passion and magic coursing through him, that beautiful vulnerability causes time to stand still.He is one of the most caring people to have in our community he offers endless support extending a hand in every direction, bringing people together with musical talents, cooking expertise and contagious laughter. To you Nathan we say thank you for being exactly who you are and filling our hearts with love and joy, always willing to cook up a meal and share stories around the fire. You are deeply valued and loved by your community we wouldn't have you any other way.

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LOVE you all 

Nathan's Insta: @nathan_tosmic
