Ele & Sam

We love getting all your stories from around the world. This one is from Ele & Sam who are on an awesome adventure round Australia in a Van. Keep in touch you two! Social media links are provided for our Vanlife community to get in touch with Ele & Sam, follow their adventures and maybe meet up on the road!


I'm Ele, 27, Italian, interior designer. Sam is english, 26, graphic designer. We met in London, where we used to work together. As both being adveturous, impulsive characters we spun the globe and picked a spot. We were both tired of the hectic side of London and decided to set off for this 365 day adventure. We started off in Melbourne, where we bought the van, restored it, combining a quirky aesthetic with rugged functionality and started driving up the East Coast. Chasing the sun and learning the surf, we quickly fell in love with our rolling home, easily forgetting all the perks of a static life and swapping them for nomadic ones. We have been living in the van for the past 5 months, heading towards Cairns and the Daintree Forest. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this. 


Ele and Sam