Vanlife Gathering in Miyazaki, Japan

Japan is a small island nation (1/20 size of Australia ! ) with 130 million people. Most people have heard about the bustling city life with rich culture, fine food and entertainment. But I believe the true beauty of Japan and its people can be found in the countryside. Often it is just a stones throw away from the major cities. And with the latest technology , nomadic freelance work style and strong urge to be surrounded by nature, people have intentionally decided to move away from the city to connect to the true essence of themselves. 

Miyazaki is one of my favourite places in Japan. Located on the southeast side of Kyushu, an island in southern Japan which is only a two hours flight from Tokyo. The subtropical Miyazaki Prefecture is where you’ll find Kyushu’s best waves, a diverse collection of river mouths, refined points, punchy reefs, and consistent beach breaks, often backdropped with beautiful mountain scenery and a rich fabric of Japanese culture and good food ! 

A dear friend, Hideo Miyahara left Tokyo and his corporate career working in a creative ad agency  to pursue a more health lifestyle chasing uncrowded waves, and ended up in Miyazaki where he now calls his new home. But he is not slowing down. There is so much to see, do and appreciate the beach life so he decided to put together a vanlife gathering ( "vamping " they call it )  in Aoshima, Miyazaki .