

Episode 32: Man takes off on a journey towards peace with his 1988 Mitsubishi bus!

Hello, World!

It was so powerful getting the chance to talk with Kwabi. He truly is a force to be reckoned with. Kwabi attended grad school and was working full time, yet he felt like he wasn’t doing enough for his community. So he bought a bus and utilizes it as part of his campaign towards peace for all.

Kwabi travels around to elementary schools having discussions around peace, anti-bullying, non violence, and humanizing individuals on the street. He believes that it starts with the young and is currently working towards staring a TV series for children.

To hear more about homelessness, peace work, and Kwabi's epic journey to the Mexican boarder, tune into this episode.

Thank you for all the work you do Kwabi. You have inspired me to continue trekking towards my main goal: bringing voice to the voiceless.

Love & gratitude,


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