Ira Wolf


Episode 29: Ira Wolf: touring solo, loneliness, and finding the love of her life, Ira shares it all with us.

On this episode Ira and I sat down at Descend on Bend and had an honest conversation about Ira's journey into vanlife. From her thoughts and experiences of being lonely on the road to finding the love of her life, Ira takes us on an untold journey of how it all came to be. It was so special getting to know Ira on a deeper level as we worked through a stimulating conversation about Ira's past. Did you know  she lived in an attic and a Bewick before finally finding Ruby, her beloved VW van from @gowesty?  We discuss everything from how humans are always looking for the next big thing to how women have this idea of needing to be seen as independent, when really, we all just want love. 

Thank you @Irawolfmusic for sharing your story with us and being the courageous woman that you are.  

If you haven't already you must check out Ira Wolf's music on Spotify- I promise you wont be disappointed. 

Love & gratitude,


AUDIO edit by @Nathan_tomsic 
